Have you ever wondered why
it seems so difficult to be happy,
to get ahead, to feel satisfied?

Or why changes you have started to make, never quite happen?
Or don’t last for very long?
Have you purchased a training program,
a start-your-own-business program or system,
or self-help books, seminars, online systems
and then found you didn’t use it, read it, or follow through?

Patricia Clason

You probably don’t know that human hard-wiring is designed to stay focused on the negative, to keep us safe and away from risk and danger. The result is that many people will far too often stay in a known hell rather than risk an unknown heaven, at least knowing what to expect, even if it isn’t what they dream of or wish for.

Don’t let that be you!


I’m Patricia Clason, coach, author, seminar leader for over forty years. I’ve attended many, many personal growth seminars, read a zillion books (well, it seems like it, you should see my library!) and listened to hours, probably years, of seminars and audio books.  And every time I hit a challenge in my life, found myself up against a barrier, or down for the count when something just didn’t work out well, what helped to turn things around and set me off in the “right” direction again was the Basics.

The Basics of …


·        how the brain works,

·        managing emotional flow,

·        prosperity,

·        relationships, and

·        creative self-expression.

I found that when I practiced certain principles in my life, the lows didn’t last long. I would recover quickly and relatively easily. The key is practice. Putting into action some core concepts and actions that shifted my experience of my situation or condition.

There are in fact a few basic things, that when practiced and integrated into life, the highs get higher and the lows get higher and satisfaction and aliveness become the fabric of life.

So I have finally done it, put together those Basics in a two-day workshop that will not make you rich quickly, nor will you find the perfect relationship. What it will do is give you the Basics. Basic Training for Life Itself! A set of tools, simple and easy-to-use, that IF you use them, will get you through the tough times, increase the joy and frequency of the good times, and these tools will never wear out!

You’ll end up with a solid foundation under you. You will have the tools for building a good life on that foundation.

And the really good news is that you won’t have to do it alone. In addition to the two days you will spend at the Successful Living Basic Training (SLBT), you will get…

·        28 day (or 28 weeks if you want to go slowly) system of simple actions to take to integrate what you received in the Basic Training,

·        Monthly coaching calls with other Basic Training graduates, to talk about your successes, your challenges and get support for staying with the process of building the life you want,

·        A community of SLBT graduates and grads of other personal growth programs that you can access via a private online group, and

·        Opportunities to come back and staff SLBT weekends and reinforce what you’ve learned while supporting others in their learning.

If you are really excited about the program and love to teach or run a business, you could even start a SLBT center in your local community!

And there’s more, bonuses that you will get when you do the program. I’m not going to list them here and put outrageous values on them and attempt to convince you that you are getting thousands of dollars more value than what you are investing. However, I do promise that you will get your money’s worth and more.

I want you to focus on the Basics. Not lots of extra stuff that you may not ever listen to or read. Just the Basics, Basics that work, Basics that will help you keep your life running smoothly or get you going again when you stall out.

Register for the next

Successful Living Basic Training


So, you’ve read so far, you’re still here, you must be interested! That’s great!

Here’s the scoop…

The Successful Living Basic Training  is two days – 

The cost is $197 which includes…

·        Two day program,

·        Workbook/manual,

·        28 days of follow-up email, and

·        The monthly coaching calls,

·        PLUS whatever bonuses get thrown in because they are what your class needs and what I think will help you integrate what you’ve learned.

That’s less than $15 per hour for a program that gives you tools for life!!

I want this program to help as many people as possible, that’s why it’s priced so reasonably. It’s about making a difference in the world, giving the “everyday person” some “everyday tools” to have a great “everyday life.”

Now it’s all up to you. Make the space in your life, block off the weekend and send in your deposit. Get ready to have a life that works, that’s full of all the emotions flowing freely and safely, feeling alive and creative, and best of all, the life that you want.